A Revenue Lift Over $1 Per Email Adds Over $1.2M to Consumer Products Retailer

Making the right offer to each customer gets them to buy more. This company has seen huge increases in revenue with 1:1 product recommendations over just 6 campaigns.

The Problem: This company is a membership organization whose business is shipping goods purchased in the United States to customers overseas. They handle all customs forms and documents for their customers to save time, money, and create a seamless shopping experience for their retail partners and their customers. A company goal is to increase revenue by encouraging customers to purchase items from its retail partners.

Prior Approach: Static emails to their base of almost 500,000 customers.

The Loyalty Builders Approach: Loyalty Builders analyzed the data to learn the buying behavior of regular customers and make individualized product recommendations for each customer, which were used to make personalized offers in six different email campaigns, each averaging about 170,000 customers per campaign. A control group of 255,000 customers was held out.

The Results: By making the product offers recommended by Loyalty Builders, all six email campaigns lifted shipping revenue from $0.29 (the control group who received “business as usual” communications) to $1.19 per email, on average. The average revenue lift per campaign was approximately $205,000 with a total revenue lift over the six campaigns of $1.23 million. Making the right product offers to each individual customer in direct marketing campaigns makes a big difference!
